To ensure the high quality of services provided, our company periodically monitors the quality of the work performed by conducting measurements and tests:
- concentrations of harmful agents at workstations
- concentrations of asbestos fibers in the air in areas where dismantling work is conducted
- identification of the type and amount of asbestos fibers in sampled construction materials containing asbestos
All tests are conducted by professional accredited measurement and analytical laboratories that continuously collaborate with our company. The tests conducted so far have shown that the technology for dismantling asbestos-containing materials developed and used by our company is completely safe for people and the environment, with no cases of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations.
Types of Studies and Methodology
Identification of asbestos in a sample of construction material containing asbestos.
This test involves taking a representative sample in the form of a piece of material containing asbestos, crushing and averaging it, then grinding the sample in an agate mortar to obtain 30 μm particles suitable for microscopic observation. Bundles of fibers are isolated and microscopic preparations are made from them.
To determine the type of asbestos, polarized light microscopy is used. Additionally, positive phase contrast optical microscopy and stereomicroscopy are employed. In polarized light microscopy, the unique color, morphology, and optical properties of each type of asbestos are utilized. A comparative method with samples of commercial asbestos is used to determine the type. Preliminary examinations are done with the naked eye and a stereoscope (64x magnification), fiber morphology is examined with a phase contrast microscope (500x magnification), and full identification analysis is conducted using a polarizing microscope at 630x magnification.
To roughly estimate the asbestos content in a sample, an approximate count of fibrous forms in the preparation is performed.
Measurement of asbestos fiber concentrations in the environment
Studies are conducted to determine the amount of asbestos fibers in the air and to assess the air pollution status in areas where asbestos-containing products are being removed. Air samples can be collected before, during, and after demolition work. The location and placement of measurement points are based on a previously prepared sketch. Samples are collected on cellulose membrane filters with a pore size of 0.8µm using aspirators, in accordance with standards PN-Z-04008-07, PN-88/Z-04202/02.
After sampling is complete, the filters are securely sealed in containers and transported to the laboratory, where they undergo a clarification process using a balsam made from diethyl oxalate and dimethyl phthalate according to the standard PN-88/Z-04202.
These prepared filters are examined under a phase-contrast optical microscope at 600x magnification.
The results of the measurements of the amount of asbestos fibers in the air are assessed based on the permissible hourly value for asbestos, according to the regulation of the Minister of the Environment dated 26.01.2010 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 87 dated 03.02.2010).
This measurement method is applicable to measurements both inside and outside buildings.
Measurement of asbestos fiber concentrations in the air at the workplace
Studies are conducted to determine the amount of asbestos fibers in the air at the workplace and to assess the air pollution status at the asbestos product dismantling site. Air sampling is conducted during dismantling work using appropriate aspirators. Samples are collected on cellulose membrane filters with a pore size of 0.8µm, based on the standards PN-Z-04008-07, PN-88/Z-04202/02. For workplace measurements, the filter is placed at the height of the respiratory system. After sampling, the filters are tightly sealed in containers and transported to the laboratory, where they are subjected to a clearing process using a balsam made from diethyl oxalate and dimethyl phthalate according to the standard PN-88/Z-04202. These prepared filters are examined under a phase-contrast optical microscope at 600x magnification.
The results of measurements of the amount of asbestos fibers in the air are assessed based on the NDS value for asbestos-containing dust, according to the regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labor dated 10.10.2005 (Journal of Laws No. 212, item 1769 dated 28 October 2005).